Targeted Strategies
Breakthrough Performance
Actionable Business Guidance with Real-World Experience.
Benefit from our experience.
The world is a big place. Finding the right functional expertise in the right place is critical to developing and implementing sound business strategy. Curating our deep network of both top-shelf management consultants and regional/sector expertise to suit each business's unique needs gives our clients a truly custom, highly targeted experience very different and more effective than the traditional approach to management consulting.
We’re passionate about helping businesses grow, uncovering opportunities, streamlining complexity, solving problems, and developing actionable strategic plans based in reality, not fantasy.
"When we built OPTIS Group Holdings, LLC we were determined to offer better management consulting solutions by providing our clients with self-sustaining tools for continuous improvement. Every day since has been dedicated to the ongoing success of our clients.” -Philip R. Foss, Chairman & CEO
Corporate Office
555 Middle Creek Parkway, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80921